Biography: Krongdai Unhasuta
The first 10 minutes protocol have been developed in Thailand for resuscitation care the injured patients at the emergency room (ER). The protocol was undertaken in three phases. Phase I: a 12 trauma network hospitals survey of the initial care and trauma treatments of the first 10 minutes at the resuscitation area; Phase II: development of the first 10 minute protocol; Phase III efficiency study with trauma nurses in ER representing Level I, Regional, Community, and Rural facilities. The protocol consisted of resuscitation management, traumatic shock detection and management, and 13 flowcharts of trauma care with a content validity index (CVI) of 1.00 and internal consistency (Cronbach’s ï¡) of 0.98. As part of a larger study of 112 trauma nurses in ER, all participants satisfied this protocol regarding helpful to prevent traumatic shock, reduce time in saving life, care the injured patients systematically, and eliminate error. The other findings found that 88 trauma nurses provided narrative responses to questions: the protocol reflected good practice, ensured organized teamwork; and promoted optimal care for the severe injured patients. This study is significant to improving trauma nursing practice in Thailand and other countries.