Francesca Giovannini
Title: Ilioinguinal approach versus Stoppa approach for open reduction and internal fixation in the treatment of displaced acetabular fractures: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Biography: Francesca Giovannini
Introduction: Fractures of the pelvis represent a relatively rare entity, but the increasing incidence, along with the characteristics of high morbidity and mortality associated with it, make them an important chapter in traumatology. Pelvic fractures are generally due to high-energy traumas more often due to car accidents (70-80%), falling (10-30%), crushing trauma (5-10%). Therefore, a pelvis injury should be considered as an important traumatic index, as long as any associated lesions (central nervous system injuries and visceral lesions) can be ruled out. The overall incidence of fractures of the acetabulum has, despite introduction of higher safety standards in cars, not undergone significant changes. The incidence ranges at about three patients/100,000/year The occurrence is bimodal, in fact we observe two age peaks of patients suffering from acetabular fractures. Young patients suffer from acetabular fractures due to high energy trauma (e.g. motor vehicle accident, sporting injury, etc.), this has to be distinguished from elderly patients suffering from low energy trauma (e.g. drops, falls). ORIF is considered standard care for most fractures of the acetabulum, including fractures in the elderly.
Materials and Methods: Starting from our experience in politrauma patients, we performed a meta-analysis of the recent literature with the aim to compare ilioinguinal approach versus Stoppa approach.
Discussion: We first decided inclusion and exclusion criteria. We searched the studies in PubMed, Cochrane, EMBASE and CHINAL databases. We selected the studies according to inclusion criteria. Then, we performed the meta-analysis.